
The first of our dear ladies represents – Daughter.

A woman’s most important relationship is the vertical one between God and her. The health and strength of this bond, the resources given out of this love, flow out to affect every other relationship and work that a woman undertakes.

There are two miracle stories in Luke 8:40-56 that will help us to grasp our standing as Daughter. These two stories are often taken separately but taken together they present some wonderful truths about your position as a daughter of God.

Luke was a gifted writer who shows us the reality of our human condition. In the first story, a story of an interrupted miracle, he tells us about Jarius and his daughter. Jarius was an official in the temple, respected and powerful in the community, but his position and power could do nothing for his twelve year-old daughter. In Jarius, we have a picture of a good father’s love for his daughter as he asks for Jesus help.

In what manner does he come to Jesus for help? Does he act like a powerful man? What do you think his daughter had to do to receive his love?

As Jesus goes to the house of Jarius, the crowds push around him so closely that it is called suffocating. In the middle of this crush Jesus stops because someone touches him. This someone was an unnamed woman who had been ill with a hemorrhage for twelve years. This particular illness meant that she was unclean and not permitted to worship in the temple or closely associate with family and friends without making them unclean also – FOR TWELVE YEARS! Her faith in reaching out to Jesus released God’s power and healed her. Jesus does not allow her to go away unnoticed but makes her healing public. Then he says to her, “Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace.” The word Luke has coming out of Jesus’ mouth to this woman is thugater, a daughter of God; acceptable to God; rejoicing in God’s particular care and protection.

Have you ever felt this way? What do you do to feel accepted by your family, friends, God? Is it working for you?

Jesus sends this woman on her way healed and clean, with a blessing of relationship in peace. Jarius’ household was filled with joy and amazement when the child’s spirit was returned to her. Contact with Jesus is what brings these wonderful changes to any of us. Jesus says in Matthew 11:28, “Come to Me, all w ho are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” In John 14:27, “Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.” Sinful hearts are cleansed by faith according to Acts 15:9.

What do you need to bring to Jesus to receive a measure of peace, joy or amazement? As you visualize this woman’s hand reaching out to touch Jesus’ robe, can you also see your hand reaching out? When you see Jesus’ hand reaching out to the little girl, can you accept his hand reaching out to you?

My heart is completely overwhelmed with the fact that my own contact with Jesus is what makes me acceptable to God. It is reaching for Jesus that brings me God’s particular care and protection. I do not have to be clean and perfect before coming and I will not soil and contaminate Jesus by touching Him. He has done the work to cure my uncleanness and imperfections.  He wants my cares, burdens and worries. I come to him only by faith in this work. Through Jesus, I am healed and made clean, saved and given new life – as a Daughter of God.

“’I will be a father to you, and you shall be sons and daughter to me,’ says the Lord Almighty.” 2 Corinthians 6:18

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